Produced and directed by two of its stars, muscle daddies, Keith Webb and Harold Creg, the action centres on muscled subs Mark Masterson and Core Andrews who are chained up, stripped and then abused by Keith, Harold and another cigar smoking, Muir cap wearing daddy, Mike Roberts. Tattooed and pierced fist pig Bud also joins in on the action to abuse the captive subs. Fist Dogs was filmed in the playroom dungeon at The Sling club in San Francisco and begins with struggling subs Mark and Core chained before being shaved, stripped and whipped by the three baying daddies. Soon the two whimpering men are carried off and hog-tied and get their puckered holes greased up before the three tough daddies begin their brutal abuse. Huge dildos, fat dicks followed by meaty fists are all plunged mercilessly into the soon sloopy holes of Mark and Core and, once fist pig Bud joins the party, double fists, size 12 feet and gallons of piss drench the subs and fill every open hole. Fist Dogs is extreme hardcore and strictly for the nasty boys! Cast: Mike Roberts, Keith Webb, Bud, Mark Masterson, Core Andrews, Harold Creg