In La Dolce Vita 2, Michael Lucas plays Max Todd, an author-turned-magazine-columnist with a loyal boyfriend (Cole Ryan) and a frustrating case of writer's block. Picking up where Part 1 left off, Max spends an unforgettable day following Hollywood's latest "it" couple (Ray Star and special Vivid guest star Savanna Samson) on a paparazzi-filled whirlwind of shopping, partying and fountain-jumping. He then reconnects with his long-time mentor (Spencer Quest) and a powerful publisher (Chad Hunt) at a super-swanky literary party, the events at which end up changing Max's life forever. Cast: Michael Lucas, Ben Andrews, Jack Bond, Jamie Donovan, Erik Grant, Derrick Hanson, Chad Hunt, Jack MacCarthy, Spencer Quest, Jason Ridge, Pete Ross, Cole Ryan, Brad Star, Ray Star, Jonathan Vargas, Wilson Vasquez, Justin Christopher, Rod Barry