Set in a French prison in a remote part of the Middle East, this poetic and intensely physical vision of homosexual desire is the latest film directed by Jean-Marc Prouveur. Soldiers sweat their days in solitary cells of a military jail and dream of sex with each other in the grass and the flowers of their home fields. Stuck in airless and solitary rooms, sexy inmates drive themselves to the edge with obsessive and pornographic longing. A guard played by Jean-Marc Prouveur watches them through peepholes. The inmates are well aware of this sexually suspect spy and sometimes perform for him. Aroused by their brazenly sexual behaviour the guard's only response is to humiliate the one prisoner that has inflamed his passion. Packed with shots of extreme close-ups of sweaty armpits, feet, arseholes and cocks The Prisoner's Song is aggressively explicit, and brings out a sense of prison realism and of repressed desires. Cast: Fred Faurtin, Gil Nemo, Tim Vincent, Jason Ace, Jerome Lambert, Eden Saar, Ludovic Langlais, Rick Hunter, Dean Knight, Jean-Marc Prouveur